
“... strangely uplifting... one of the better shows you can see while alone in New York around Christmas time... an absolute joy.”
— Ethan Stanislawski (BlogCritics Magazine)

“The theme of Plucking Failures Like Ripe Fruit is failure at love, and the plays depict the commonality of human loneliness in a delightfully plucky manner... an enjoyable night of theater.”
— Amy Freeman (offoffonline)

Plucking Failures Like Ripe Fruit; A Night of Romantic Tragedies presented by No Tea Productions is a delightful piece of theater, chock full of comedic tales; complex and not so, that cuts to the core of how people connect, disconnect and sadly never connect.”
— Retrovision Media

Plucking Failures like Ripe Fruit was a collection of small works by big playwrights, all about failing at love. Before each show, the audience drew our performance order from a collection of more than 10 short plays, so every night was a different mix of failure.

The Plays

1-900-DESPERATE by Christopher Durang

4 a.m. (Open All Night) by Bob Krakower

Anything for You by Cathy Celesia

Breaking Even by Dan Dietz

Cold by David Mamet

A Day for Surprises by John Guare

Here We Are by Dorothy Parker

Miss You by David Auburn

Please Have a Seat and Someone Will Be with You Shortly by Garth Wingfield

Request Stop by Harold Pinter

Sure Thing by David Ives

Cast & Crew

Director: Lindsey Moore

Assistant Director: Timothy Mather
Stage Manager: D. Robert Wolcheck
Assistant Stage Manager: Lisa Nussbaum
Light/Sound Technician: Caroline O'Hare
Art Director/Costume Designer: Darren Kaminsky
Light Designer: Timothy Mather
Poster Designer: Jeff Sproul
Publicist: Emily Owens PR

Featuring: Alicia Barnatchez, Jesse Bernath, Sabrina Farhi, Olivia Horton, Jeremy Mather, Jeff Sproul, and D. Robert Wolcheck.

All photos ©2010 Darren Kaminsky



